Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Reprise

Properly titled " In the Garden of the Long Pig-Reprise" (but that didn't exactly roll off the tongue) this is the second encounter between the new world and the old. Our eco tourists, invite our Amazon tour guide back to our jungle for a little visit. It's tongue-in-cheek of course. Self deprecating in my own light hearted (read: dark) way. It's the only way I could describe this city. It's my home, I love it, and as far as I am concerned it represents the center of the known universe. Our historic subtext finally catches up with the present (there can only be one "now") and it's intended to be a celebration of humanity. Because that's what New York is. Nowhere on the planet do so many totally different types of people get along so well.
I'll never forget when I first moved here from London, how easy and safe the place felt, after the unpredictable violence and general angst of England. 
How totally at home I felt for the first time in my life. Different was good. Different was normal.
Because here, everybody's different. The arrowhead of humanity pointing at tomorrow.

The Reprise, from "Beautiful Accident" by The Third International
can be heard on:


  1. Not much in the way of arguement from me here mate, there is only one Gotham city. Or should it be Gotham United?
